티스토리 뷰
-- 데이터의 이전.
External Table <- create (인식)-> insert into~
Loader <- insert (빠름- log생성 X, 제약조건 X 가능)
expdp/impdp <-10g 전용
exi/imp <- 9i 전용 (BNR-블록 복구에 사용)
data source | data target | 복구 시점 | |
BNF | 자기 자신 | 현재 or 과거 | |
export/import | 다른 DB | 과거(export 시점) |
--exp/imp 사용법
[oracle@orcl ~]$ exp scott/tiger
계속 엔터....(긍정적으로..ㅋ)
scott의 모든 내용을 하나의 파일로 저장
Export file: expdat.dmp <- 주의: 자동 덮어쓰기 됨. 기존파일 사라질 수 있음.
Export terminated successfully with warnings.
S SYS> drop user scott cascade;
User dropped.
S SYS> create user scott identified by tiger;
User created.
S SYS> grant create session,create sequence, create tablespace,create table,
create procedure,create view, create synonym to scott;
Grant succeeded.
[oracle@orcl ~]$ imp scott/tiger
요거 하나 yes 할 것.
Import entire export file (yes/no): no > yes
--Create Directory
S SYS> create directory dmpdir as '/home/oracle';
Directory created.
S SYS> grant write,read on directory dmpdir to scott,hr;
Grant succeeded.
S SCOTT> select * from all_directories;
------------------------------ ------------------------------
-- 초간단 버전으로 연습.
[oracle@orcl ~]$ cat >> a.dat<<EOF
> 1,aa
> 2,bb
> 3,cc
[oracle@orcl ~]$ cat >> a.ctl<<EOF
> load data
> infile 'a.dat'
> into table a
> fields terminated by ','
> (c1,c2)
S SCOTT> create table a(c1 number(4), c2 varchar2(20));
Table created.
[oracle@orcl ~]$ sqlldr scott/tiger control=a.ctl log=a.log direct=y
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Jun 16 14:35:08 2009
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Load completed - logical record count 3.
[oracle@orcl ~]$ exit
S SCOTT> select * from a;
C1 C2
---------- --------------------
1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
p18-10 쪽 참고.
Data Pump
S SYS> create directory dmpdir as '/home/oracle';
Directory created.
S SYS> grant write,read on directory dmpdir to scott,hr;
Grant succeeded.
S SCOTT> select * from all_directories;
------------------------------ ------------------------------
[oracle@orcl ~]$ expdp help=y
Export: Release - Production on Tuesday, 16 June, 2009 15:23:32
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
The Data Pump export utility provides a mechanism for transferring data objects
between Oracle databases. The utility is invoked with the following command:
Example: expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp
You can control how Export runs by entering the 'expdp' command followed
by various parameters. To specify parameters, you use keywords:
Format: expdp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)
Example: expdp scott/tiger DUMPFILE=scott.dmp DIRECTORY=dmpdir SCHEMAS=scott
or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table
USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.
Keyword Description (Default)
ATTACH Attach to existing job, e.g. ATTACH [=job name].
COMPRESSION Reduce size of dumpfile contents where valid
[oracle@orcl ~]$ expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp
Dump file set for SCOTT.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 is:
Job "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully completed at 15:24:48
S SYS> drop user scott cascade;
User dropped.
S SYS> create user scott identified by tiger;
User created.
S SYS> grant dba to scott; <------------- 이렇게 다 주면 안됨.... 귀찮으니 한거임
Grant succeeded.
[oracle@orcl ~]$ impdp scott/tiger directory=dmpdir dumpfile=scott.dmp
[oracle@orcl ~]$ cat >>p.par<<EOF
> DIRECTORY=dmpdir dumpfile=scott2.dmp
[oracle@orcl ~]$ expdp scott/tiger parfile=p.par
-- Fine_Grained Object Selection
[oracle@orcl ~]$ expdp scott/tiger directory=dmpdir dumpfile=scott_emp30.dmp
query=scott.emp:\"where deptno=30\" tables=emp
tablespace Import시 많이 사용됨.
remap_datafile=' ':' '
[oracle@orcl ~]$ impdp system/oracle directory=dmpdir dumpfile=scott.dmp remap_schema='SCOTT':'HR'
soctt의 expdp 한것을 hr에 impdp ..
디렉토리 절 생략 가능.
[oracle@orcl ~]$ expdp scott/tiger dumpfile=dmpdir:scott2.dmp
[oracle@orcl ~]$ expdp scott/tiger dumpfile=dmpdir:scott3.dmp logfile=dmpdir:s.log
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Configuring Recovery Manager (0) | 2010.05.18 |
Performing Flashback (0) | 2010.05.18 |
Performing Database Recovery (0) | 2010.05.18 |
Performing Database Backups (0) | 2010.05.18 |
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